Small shrubby ash of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. 生长于美国西南部和墨西哥西北部的灌木状的小型梣木。
This type of pine grows in the dry mountains of the southwestern United States. 这种松树生长在美国西南部的干燥山区中。
Genus of shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico: brittlebush. 产于美国西南和墨西哥的一个灌木属;一种扁果菊属的荒漠植物。
Arborescent cacti having very spiny cylindrical stem segments; southwestern United States and Mexico. 有多刺茎干的树状仙人掌;美国西南部和墨西哥。
Shrub or small tree of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico having spirally twisted pods. 美国西南和墨西哥西北的灌木和小树,有成螺旋形的弯曲的豆荚。
Yucca of southwestern United States and Mexico with a tall spike of creamy white flowers. 美国西南和墨西哥的一种丝兰,具有高的乳白色总状花序。
Some of the ancient Indians in the southwestern United States were cliff dwellers. 美国西南部的一些古代印第安人是悬崖洞穴居民。
Viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers. 美国西南部和墨西哥北部的长有粘质树枝的多年生植物,具有块状根茎和深红色花朵。
Of Mexico and southernmost parts of southwestern United states. 产于墨西哥和美国西南部的最南端。
Large orange and black lizard of southwestern United States; not dangerous unless molested. 产于美国西南部的橙色和黑色大型蜥蜴;不骚扰它就没有危险性。
Adam Henry was born in1974 in the Southwestern United States. 亚当•亨利于1974年出生于美国西南部。
Common tanager of southwestern United States and Mexico. 美国西南部和墨西哥地区的唐纳雀。
Large gray ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States. 美国西南部多岩地区的大型灰色地松鼠。
Annual of southwestern United States cultivated for its purple-rayed flower heads and its basket-like bracts. 美国西南部的一年生植物,因为它的头状花序具紫色边花和篮状总苞而常栽培之。
A large branched arborescent yucca of southwestern United States having short leaves and clustered greenish white flowers. 美国西南部的一种大的分枝乔木状丝兰,有短叶和簇生的带绿色的白花。
Globular or cylindrical cacti; southwestern United States to Brazil. 一个球状或圆柱状仙人掌属;产于美国西南至巴西。
Hot green or red pepper of southwestern United States and Mexico. 辣的绿色或红色辣椒,产于美国西南部和墨西哥。
A state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border. 美国西南部一个州,位于墨西哥边境附近。
Large spotted bat of southwestern United States having enormous ears. 美国西南部有斑点的大型蝙蝠,耳朵巨大。
Milkweed of southwestern United States and Mexico; poisonous to livestock. 美国西南部和墨西哥的马利筋;对家畜有毒害作用。
Dark gray peccary with an indistinct white collar; of semi desert areas of Mexico and southwestern United States. 深灰色的西趪,项圈部为不明显的白色;产于墨西哥和美国西南部的半沙漠地区。
Large genus of low-growing shrubby ribbed cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States. 墨西哥和美国西南一个灌木般矮生仙人掌大属,具棱纹。
Genus of nearly globular cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States: barrel cacti. 一个近球形仙人掌植物属,产于墨西哥和美国西南;桶形仙人掌。
Boa of rocky desert of southwestern United States. 产于美国西南部多岩沙漠地区的蟒。
The second largest state; located in southwestern United States on the Gulf of Mexico. 美国第二大州;位于美国西南部墨西哥湾上。
Spiny shrub with silvery-scurfy foliage of alkaline plains of southwestern United States and Mexico. 美国西南和墨西哥的碱性草原的带着银屑的多刺的灌木。
Rock-dwelling herbivorous lizard of arid parts of southwestern United States and Mexico. 美国西南部和墨西哥干旱地区栖息在岩石附近的食草性蜥蜴。
Small pale-colored desert rattlesnake of southwestern United States; body moves in an S-shaped curve. 美国西南部沙漠中的苍白色的小响尾蛇;身体以S形曲线移动。
Tall herb with leafless waxy-white stems and whitish starlike flowers; southwestern United States. 高的无叶草本植物,有蜡白色的茎干和白色星形花;美国西南部。
That was when cattle farming, or ranching, became a big business in the southwestern United States. 那时养牛业和畜牧业在美国西南部成为一个主要的行业。